TL DR: Yes, I do own the demo, I'm just trying to go back to a playable version of it.

I got to step 6 and put in the code they gave, and ran into the issue I mentioned above. I've been using this guide to try and make it work. Timberborn is now available in Early Access via Steam, GOG, and Epic Games Store. I'm not sure if it would actually work, but I've been trying basically all night. The official subreddit of Timberborn, a city-building game featuring ingenious beavers, dams, vertical architecture, and deadly droughts. depending on how they blocked the game starting you could try to use dnspy/ilspy to patch it to still be able to launch. You can download Timberborn PC on September 15. Software product will be released on September 15, 2021. For now, can preorder Timberborn free download at the Steam store. Timberborn Demo is now available in English, Polish, French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Italian. Get Timberborn Free Now Timberborn is a city builder video game developed by Mechanistry. The Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese versions will follow as soon as the Unity bug is fixed. Add Timberborn to your watch list at isthereanydeal which lists authorised Steam key distributor sales. Patch notes Demo v20210511 In-game text We have added seven out of ten translations planned for the Early Access launch. This led me to think that maybe I could play the demo some more if I managed to get back to the update from before they took it down, and then I'd set the game to not update until I open the game, then go offline every time I did so to prevent it from updating. A demo might be available in the upcoming October Steam Next Fest. Specifically, someone commented on how they think it's odd that there seems to be a "remote kill switch" of sorts, and asked if anyone had found a way to make it run, and someone else responded with the following: The "remote kill switch" is the steam updater, so you'd have to force steam to not update the game, like playing it offline or something. I posted about it on Reddit, and I saw someone mention that, in order to play the game, you'd basically have to prevent Steam from updating. I just had bad timing and started a few days before they took it down. It's in my library currently, and I've been playing it for a new days now. Building a dam can help keep your land irrigated during the first part of dry season and greatly improves your chances. Wow Check the GOGalicious deals inside The GOG SaleMankind turned Earth into a dry wasteland and perished, but some species.